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Membership Application

Please complete the form to apply for membership at Ma'yan Tikvah.

Ma'yan Tikvah Membership 5785

Thank you so much for your interest in Ma'yan Tikvah!

Once you  complete this form, please send a check for your donation and school fees to Ma'yan Tikvah, c/o Steve Garone, 179 Lakeshore Drive, Wayland, MA 01778. If you choose to pay online, we ask that you add 3% to cover processing.

If you have any questions, contact Rabbi Katy at or Steve Garone at More information about membership and our donation policy can be found at

Todah rabbah! We look forward to seeing you this year.

Suggested Membership Donations

Membership in Ma'yan Tikvah does not have a fixed fee, but is based on a voluntary donation of whatever amount works for you and your family.

We have listed below suggested levels of donation, amounts that will sustain the congregation and school. We invite you to give more if you can and less if you can't. It is your decision how much to donate.

I/We are joining as:

Recommended Donations are as follows:

Students - $90

Individual - $360

First Year Family - $360

Family with Children - $650

Couple - $500

Y'ladim BaTeva: Outdoor Jewish Learning for Kids

Will you be registering a child/children for Y'ladim BaTeva: Outdoor Jewish Learning for Kids?
I am not sure and would like more information

School Fees: The school fees are $900 for the first student, $850 for the second student, $800 for the third student or for kindergarten students.

Hebrew Fees: The Hebrew reading and prayer program is optional and additional. It meets 3-4 times per month online in groups of 1-3 for grades 4-7. There is an additional fee of $600 for Hebrew classes per child. 

Group Preparation Class for B Mitzvah: The B Mitzvah fee of $500 covers the extra meetings and classes with the rabbi during the year in which a child celebrates coming of age.

Ma'yan Tikvah: A Wellspring of Hope  -  Wayland, MA  -  508.358.5996  -

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